Rubén, 14 - GYMNASTICS (B1)
I started doing gymnastics when I was 9. I took up gym because I used to jump everywhere and my P.E. teacher said I would like it. I trained 17 hours per week before the pandemic. Now I train 16 hours per week. I like competition because I think it’s very funny and when I compete against teams all over the country I feel sportsmanship. The most difficult part is type lt, an element of this sport.
This sport affects your life very much because you have to train many hours.
Sofía y Rocío, 13 - FOOTBALL (B1)
I (Sofía) started playing football when I was 9 and Rocío started when she was 6. We usually train around 10 hours per week.
Female football is different from male football: male football is much more aggressive. Boys are usually stronger than girls, so that's it. Female football is more about touching the ball.
We think we will continue playing after we are 20 because we love it and there's no reason to stop.
When we lose a match we feel bad and think that we need to improve whatever went wrong.
We love everything about football but the most important thing is the team spirit, because if one falls the rest fall too.
We have some superstitions:
Rocío: When the match begins I have to step on the pitch with my left foot.
Sofía: When the match begins I have to kiss my hand and touch the crossbar and when the rival kick penalty I have to touch the crossbar three times.
Lucía, 11 - KARATE (B1)
I started doing karate when I was 9, and in my class there are a lot of girls, but I don't think there are many in the world. I took up karate because my cousins started doing it and I liked the moves. It's funny and you do some sport.
My favourite part is katas (a group of attacks and defences).
Karate is practised on a tatami. It's fun, good for your body and I love it.
The competitions are very exciting.
Amaya, 12 - SKATEBOARDING (B1)
I started skateboarding this year. It's dangerous because you fall over many times and you can easily get a fracture.
Now I'm practising the ollie. When you repeat the same movement over and over again you feel a little sad, but when you do it well you feel very excited.
Skateboarding is sometimes very expensive. It depends. For example, my board cost around €300.
Veteran skaters are usually very helpful with newbies.